ICE is recruiting! Active since 2019 Classic launch, we’re a 5-year guild that consistently clears all content through Naxx. Fresh server, fresh start! Recruiting future Raid Leaders and players who want to help grow the guild and community. We are running three teams with plans for more as we continue to grow.
Team Nighthawk raids Tues/Thurs @ 9pm Server
Team Dragon raids Thurs/Sun @ 6pm Server
Team Raven raids Wed/Mon @ 9pm Server
Team Wyvern raids Wed/Mon @ 5:30pm Server
Deceased - Guild Master | Sredrum - Nighthawk Raid Leader | Killface - Dragon Raid Leader | Ðark - Raven Raid Leader | Purpletank - Wyvern Raid Leader | Shmoobers - Officer | Audacious - Officer
ICE plays 6 times per week for a total of 18 horas.
Day | Start | Duration |
Seg | 01:00 | 3 horas |
Ter | 04:00 | 3 horas |
Qua | 04:00 | 3 horas |
Qui | 04:00 | 3 horas |
Sex | 01:00 | 3 horas |
Sex | 04:00 | 3 horas |
ICE is recruiting!
Invasões, Social, PvP, Masmorras
What activities is ICE recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in ICE?